Friday, October 21, 2016

Advice to Baruch College

If I were hired by Baruch College, some suggestions I have regarding new media would be:

1) Using online based homework more often in the classroom. For instance, some classes are currently using Connect or MypearsonLab and I find these sites very useful (for math courses at least) when there are options to give you examples of the current question you are working on, and also refers you to the section of the textbook that is related to the problem. This allows for easier and more effective way of studying and understanding where exactly you need to study from in the textbook. 

2) Encourage participation/attendance in workshops that teach you how to use social media properly, ie. What NOT to put on social media, What recruiters are looking for on your LinkedIn page, etc. 

3) Discussions on Blackboard. From all of the classes that I have ever taken in Baruch in almost four years, most professors do not utilize the discussion board on Blackboard. It can be a very important tool for the professor and students to communicate, as well as for other students to communicate for one another. For instance, the discussion board can be opened up for anyone to start a new thread, and from there, the professor should encourage any questions-and the answer to the question can be answered by either the professor or other students. The discussion board can also be a place where students reach out to other students in the class if they'd like to study together or share notes if they missed a class, etc.

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